"Advocating Economic & Personal Change"

Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia

The investigation of these psycho-physiological maladies provides some of the most compelling and interesting work for activists and others, especially those interested in issues of health, public or personal. And what appears as some of the likely explanations for these maladies provide some of the most damning and substantive indictments of a social system based almost exclusively on the obsessive and unyielding accumulation of profit. For example, one of the most compelling new theories of the cause of Alzheimer's disease suggests that this devastating malady is a "prion" disease. Prions are molecular-sized proteins that are mis-shapen or "malfolded"; they are unique and uniquely deadly pathogens (disease-causing agents), the absolute smallest of all the disease-causing agents or entities. They are smaller than bacteria and even virii.

Prions are presently theorized as finding their transmission vector in contaminated meat products, such contamination said to result from the breakneck speed at which capitalist meat processing operations are conducted, and the concomitant lack of concern for the absolute safety of the products produced and the public that consumes them. Of course, hyper-fast meat processing occurs for the same reason all production operations in the modern profit-based society do--to absolutely maximize profit and earnings. Again underscored, as is underscored in any capitalist industry we examine, is the gross emphasis on accumulation of profit by the owners of capital--not the provision of products and services, in a safe and sane manner, that are genuinely required to produce human happiness for the great mass of the population. For this kind of production, of course, we must establish a Cooperative Society.

Activists interested in this area, as well as anyone who eats meat, are strongly encouraged to see the book Dying For a Hamburger, by Murray Waldman, MD, and Marjorie Lamb, St. Martin's Press, 2004.

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