"Advocating Economic & Personal Change"

Keys to Good Health

Maintaining a strong interest in health and nutrition for many years, I possess a measure of knowledge, and perhaps even insight. I've thus created an entirely separate website that is dedicated to nothing but health, entitled Keys to Good Health. For approximately three years that site was, by design, a general-appeal, non-political resource, that did not explicitly condemn capitalism as the underlying cause of our deterioration in health. The closest I came to such a declaration was a vague assertion to this effect in a brief section called Implications, at the very end of the home page.

As of today, however, February 14, 2012, I have let the other shoe drop as regards Keys To Good Health, and incorporated the larger anti-capitalist message. The tagline for the site is The Most Powerful Health Analysis Available, and indeed that site is now an internet health resource of real power.

For specific health recommendations, especially in regard to nutrition, environment, and emotional health, please visit.

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