J O B S |
Introduction Of all the areas of life that capitalism contaminates, and it contaminates them all, the perversion, indeed destruction, of employment is the worst. This is because a job providing reasonable wages, permanence, and satisfaction is essential not just for happiness, but for survival, itself. Yet, the ruling class continually resists providing such decent jobs. Without a satisfactory job, not only can a human being not be happy or otherwise actualize, they can't even survive. A worker--a human being--can look forward to a grossly premature death. Jobs is one of the most pointed conflict areas between workers and owners, because workers and owners each want a completely different kind of employment environment, based on their completely different respective set of class interests. Workers want the following:
Whereas owners want:
Until I can continue this analysis, those of you who have held a few jobs can probably fill in the above! You know what you want as a worker, and you know what owners and their companies want to give you. Moreover, to really understand this problem and issue, you must understand that not only do owners want the above, in large measure they require the above if they are to compete successfully in the marketplace. It's simply a rule of the normal operation of capitalism; one of many such contradictory and ultimately counterproductive rules. Which is one of the many reasons that we must shift from capitalism to a Family-based system and society if we are to survive and be happy. More to come, although I believe I've treated this topic elsewhere at this site. |
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