
In assessing capitalism we must consider not just what it's doing today, but what it is projected to do tomorrow. For example, in books such as Race against the Machine, and especially ??? of HowStuffWorks.com, the likelihood of computers and robots replacing larger and larger categories of workers is credibly posited.

  1. It was stated by ?? on radio program To the Point of October 27, 2011 that this trend implies we have two choices:

  2. - A world of unemployed workers, with the consequent complete breakdown in global society. Think Blade Runner and other dystopian visions.
  3. - a complete restructure of the global system, such that rather than comprising a global displacement, this technology trend works *for* the workers of the world, producing a world of leisure and actualizing work.

Moreover, in an illuminating radio interview with ??, Stanford University professor and ??, most recent author of Humans Need not Apply, posits as follows:

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