"Advocating Economic & Personal Change"


One of the key problems with our money-and-profit system, is that it is based on competition and greed. Because it is based on competition, companies must keep costs low, so competitors do not undersell them. What do you think the largest cost of doing business is?

That's right--labor. In other words, our wages, what our employers pay us. So each and every employer--including yours--has an irresistible compulsion to keep wages as low as possible--or better yet from their point-of-view--eradicate wages altogether. This is why we see the trend today, to terminate workers and either have remaining workers take on a greater workload, or use automation or robots perform the work of the fired worker.

Moreover, the ethic of modern capitalism encourages corporations and business owners to try and earn as much profit as possible, no matter what. The less the corporation pays you, the more profit it earns for itself.

These are the two principal reasons your wages are low.

As you know, politicians go around in endless circles discussing this problem, when its cause is extremely straightforward--the normal, natural, and routine operation of capitalism.

Fortunately, the solution to this pernicious problem is equally straightforward--transition to a Cooperative society. Since it is not based on competition, there is no incentive whatsoever to keep wages low, or eliminate them.

In fact, in a Cooperative system there are no wages; access to goods and services is free, based on need!

~ Advocating Economic & Personal Change ~
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